We are so grateful for the community of believers that gives to this body of Christ we call Brazos Fellowship. Every week we are privileged to see lives changed in response to the call to become fully devoted followers of Christ, and your faithful support is what makes it all possible. Thank you.
Click below to give online.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I give to Brazos Fellowship?
You’ve got options when you’re deciding how to give to Brazos Fellowship: in person, online, through the mail, or through text.
Online giving is a time-saving tool that benefits both you and the church. It allows you to be more consistent in obeying God’s call to worship him with your resources. It allows privacy and security for when you don’t feel comfortable putting donations in the basket. Now you can support all the great ministries that come out of Brazos Fellowship, even when you are out of town or unable to attend in person.
You can also give through Text! To securely make a gift, text your gift Amount and BRAZOS to 45777 (e.g. $250 Brazos). If this is your first time you will be asked to register with a credit/debit card. Save this number to your smartphone for future giving.
Online, Text, and Mailed gifts are tax-deductible just as they are in the church auditorium. All forms of giving are completely secure, and you are able to plan payments for the schedule that works best for you.
Click here to give online: https://brazosfellowship.churchcenter.com/giving
How do I create a giving account online?
Church Center does not require an account to be created before you submit a contribution. When you are directed to your organization’s unique giving link and you are seemingly in the process of submitting a payment – don’t be alarmed as this is intentional. We seek to eliminate as many roadblocks to giving as possible. Especially the typical “create an account before you can give” page. The account creation is instead an option integrated into the payment experience and will appear toward the end of your gift.
Click here to give online: https://brazosfellowship.churchcenter.com/giving
How do I create a recurring gift?
A recurring schedule will enable you to set details like the amount and frequency of a payment schedule and let it do the rest of the work for you.
1. Enter the amount that you want to give.
2. Select Regularly from the Frequency drop-down.
3. Make the appropriate selections for the Frequency of your gift.
Please Note: The first gift will be submitted on the date listed in My first donation will be: field.
4. Complete all fields on the page, and select Continue.
5. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to enter your name and email address.
6. Select your payment method and enter necessary details and click Start giving.
7. You will receive a confirmation email for your recurring gift.
How do I edit the amount of my recurring gift?
A recurring schedule will enable you to set details like the amount and frequency of a payment schedule and let it do the rest of the work for you. Fortunately, when you start a recurring schedule you aren’t stuck with it. We know that there may be the need to modify your recurring gift.
How do I edit the payment method of my recurring gift?
A recurring schedule will enable you to set details like the amount and frequency of a payment schedule and let it do the rest of the work for you. Fortunately, when you start a recurring schedule you aren’t stuck with it. We know that there may be the need to modify your recurring gift.
How do I pause my recurring payment schedule?
A recurring schedule will enable you to set details like the amount and frequency of a payment schedule and let it do the rest of the work for you. Fortunately, when you start a recurring schedule you aren’t stuck with it. We know that there may be the need to pause your recurring gift.
Click here for information on pausing your recurring giving schedule.
How do I cancel my scheduled gift?
A recurring schedule will enable you to set details like the amount and frequency of a payment schedule and let it do the rest of the work for you. Fortunately, when you start a recurring schedule you aren’t stuck with it. We know that there may be the need to modify, pause, or cancel your recurring gift.
Click here for information on canceling your scheduled gift.
What is the deadline for annual contributions?
Cash contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31st to be included on your giving statement for that year. Online gifts must be initiated by December 31st.
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
You may have questions as you go through this transition, and we are here to help. Should you need assistance, we’re only a phone call or email away. Direct technical issues to Brazos Fellowship at 979-680-8888 or email@brazosfellowship.com. For financial inquiries, contact Leslie at lallman@brazosfellowship.com or give us a call.
What happens when we give to Brazos Fellowship?
God provides for the ministry of Brazos Fellowship through your tithes and offerings. Every dollar given to Brazos Fellowship is used to support the global mission of Brazos Fellowship; therefore, gifts cannot be restricted for use by a specific ministry. We honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Brazos Fellowship remains beyond reproach.
For detailed financial information, view our financial statements. For general questions about our financial practices, contact Leslie at lallman@brazosfellowship.com or give us a call.