Adult Small Groups: In February and August we launch new groups and open online group registration. this is the best time to join a new group.
Group registration is open!
Follow the link below to find your group.
Here’s what we know about men’s groups: They don’t work the same as women’s groups or the same as couples groups. And when we try to make them work the same, they usually don’t last. We also know men’s groups are important. So we’ve spent the last year developing and testing a new framework for men’s groups.
Interested in Leading a Group?
Didn’t find the right group for you? Consider forming your own group. Click here for more information.
We understand that the expense of childcare can be a deterrent to participating in a Small Group. Because we are committed to removing as many obstacles as possible, the church supplements group participants at a predetermined rate for their childcare expenses if needed.
Childcare Reimbursement Form