Maybe you have connections with people at work or in your neighborhood, or maybe with people you serve with on Sunday mornings. Maybe you already have meaningful relationships and you just want to formalize those relationships into a small group. We would love to help you leverage the relationships you already have to grow in your faith. We’ll provide discussion guides to help you have meaningful conversations about how to apply the weekly messages at Brazos Fellowship. Just follow these simple steps:


Step 1: Invite people you know to join you.

We recommend four to six married couples or eight to ten people of the same gender.


Step 2: Agree on group logistics.

Whether you choose to meet online or in person, predictable meeting days, times and locations set your group up for success.


Step 3: Use the link below to register your group.

We’ll send you a group starter kit that includes a link to access the weekly discussion guide.

Form My Own Group