We are headed to Corpus Christie for the weekend. Come join us in the sun. We are all staying in a house together. For more info and to register, hit the link below.
Are you in town at all this summer? Summer CG is a time for our students in the area to connect and study God's word together. This will happen once a week on Thursday nights at the Brazos Fellowship Annex. Come hang out and connect with community.
The name pretty much says it all. Just imagine hundreds of pancakes, lots of people, and tons of games! Come see us ON CAMPUS at Hullabaloo Hall for a giant pancake party.
Meet us ON CAMPUS by the Century Tree where we will start our on campus scavenger hunt. One twist each team earns points for every new person they add to their team after the game starts, and the team with the most points wins a prize!
What do all moms want on the first day of school…A FIRST DAY PHOTO. The same is true when you are in college, so make your mom happy, come take a photo and hang out with us on campus!
This is our first college service of the semester and we would love for you to be there! We will also be kicking off our CGs (community groups) in a fun way you will just have to experience.