Daytona 2024

Daytona Beach, FL
July 14th – July 19th


The big change that we will be having this year is for InsideOut (our high school ministry – COMPLETED 9th-12th grades). This year, we will be attending a NEW camp called InsideOut Daytona! This camp is hosted through our church partner, North Point Community Church and will include the high school ministries of all of their campuses as well as many other partner churches across the country. IO Daytona will take place separately from BigStuf and will be our only camp for high schoolers. The heart behind this change is that it will allow our high school students the opportunity for an experience designed specifically for them to be encouraged, challenged, and equipped to live out their faith in practical ways.

Cost: $765 ($80 deposit due at registration)

Payments can be made as you wish with half due May 5th and final payment due July 7th.

InsideOut Daytona is for all graduated 6th-12th grade students!

For more information, please email Greg (

BigStuf 2024

Panama City Beach, FL
June 20th – June 25th


This year, for our students in Transit (COMPLETED 6th-8th grades), we will be returning to beautiful Panama City Beach, FL, to attend BigStuf! BigStuf is a week-long camp designed to inspire, ignite, and encourage our students to grow in their faith and live it out in their everyday lives. Along with their small groups and Transit leaders, students will get to experience sessions with fun, games, Biblical teaching, and worship, as well as daily opportunities for focused discussions and time alone with God. Our hope and our goal for BigStuf is for our students to connect with God in different ways that allow them to walk away excited and equipped to lean into a new phase of their faith. BigStuf will only be for middle school students this year, we have something else great for our high schoolers

Cost: $765 ($80 deposit due at registration)

Payments can be made as you wish with half due May 5th and final payment due June 16th.

BigStuf is for all graduated 6th-8th grade students!

For more information, please email Greg (